Ride, Explore and Discover Gorham!

Outdoor recreation and easy access to open space contribute to high-quality living in Gorham and attracts visitors from the Greater Portland Region and beyond.  Through community partnerships, planning and investment, Gorham demonstrates a commitment to ensuring access for all to enjoy our expanding trail network, family-friendly facilities and recreational activities year-round. 

Collaboration is a key driver of success as the Town, led by the Gorham Parks & Recreation Department, works closely with nonprofits, local committees, private landowners and businesses to help advance the shared goals of promoting nature-based activities, land preservation and healthy living.

The Gorham Trail Network

50+ miles of multi-level trails just minutes from Gorham Village

What started as a small group of local mountain bike enthusiasts looking to ride closer to home, has evolved into a 50+ miles of varied terrain.  It features paved, gravel, and narrow hiking and biking trails spread out over public, quasi-public, and private lands for public enjoyment.  A strong partnership between the Town of Gorham, Greater Portland New England Mountain Bike Association (GPNEMBA), and the Gorham Conservation Commission has resulted in a trail network that supports year-round activities like snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, fat tire biking, and snowmobiling. Since 2020, Gorham’s trail mileage has nearly doubled, with ongoing expansions and new constructions underway.

Learn how a group of local mountain bikers worked with community leaders and landowners to develop one of the most popular trail systems in the state of Maine.

Lavoie Bike Park & Frazier Preserve

Gorham is home to one of Southern Maine’s first pump tracks, which consists of a series of raised bumps called “rollers,” designed to be ridden by pumping your upper body over the hills without pedaling.  

“A pump track is a perfect place to learn how to handle a bicycle, and it’s great for all levels of riders, even balance bikes,” said Rob Lavoie, who served as Community Project Manager on the build. “I took my four-year-old daughter to the track to ride it. The next morning, she asked to go back – that made all of that time and energy worth it!”

The pump track is connected to the Frazier Preserve, which includes 6-acres of single track trails through wetlands, forests, and streams.

Gorham Skate Park

The 7,500-square-foot skatepark was completed in 2022 as a citizen-led initiative, bringing together residents, businesses and town staff in collaboration.  The final concept, proposed by Pillar Design Studios, measures 10,000 square feet and caters to all ages with a mix of both novice and expert features. The park accommodates not only skateboarders, but also scooter riders, inline skaters, and BMX bicyclists.

“It has been amazing to see the level of community support behind the skatepark,” said Community Project Lead Tom Dupuis.  “We’re excited about making the project a reality for the greater Gorham community.”

Town Council Chair Lee Pratt added, “This was truly a village barn raising from Tom Dupuis’ incredible commitment, Town staff, corporate donations and private donations. This project never would have happened without the whole community working together.”

Cherry Hill Farm

In 2019, the Shaw Family (Shaw Brothers Construction) opened Shaw Cherry Hill Farm to year-round, public access with trails for walking, biking, skiing and snowmobiling.  The property features a family-friendly “Storywalk” with illustrated signage placed on plaques along the trail system.  Now, the family is planning to construct a 10,000 square foot agricultural building to host a farmer’s market and community events throughout the year.  Construction is expected to begin in 2026.