Local Grant Programs
Investing Locally
Local businesses and their workforce are fundamental assets of the Gorham community. For Gorham to thrive and attract people and businesses, we recognize the local business community must be supported. Our Revolving Loan Fund was established in 2004 to support business growth in Gorham.
We are building on this experience working directly with local businesses to develop new funding opportunities available only to Gorham businesses.
These initiatives are the result of conversations with business owners to understand what they need to thrive, grow and expand…right here in Gorham.

Examples of local funding:
- CapEx Matching Grant: Providing 50% reimbursement of a capital item, service or site expansion project, up to a maximum award of $15,000. The Town prioritized allocating grant funds to businesses in three sectors, specifically agriculture; manufacturing & skilled trades; and retail & food service.
- Façade & Leasehold Improvement Grant: Supporting commercial property owners and leaseholder tenants for the purposes of beautifying high-visible commercial properties, energy efficiency upgrades and ADA accessibility.
We’re not done either, as we continue to develop new initiatives to support local businesses in the areas of technology, professional services, and more. Our local funding opportunities (as available) are listed below and continually updated.
Current Local Funding Opportunities
- There are currently no funding opportunities available.