If you’ve narrowed down a business location and want to know what issues you need to consider before moving forward with a lease or purchase, our team can assist. Contact our Economic Development
office for a checklist customized to your business and location covering land use/planning, building code, fire department, and State level permits that will be required.

Also, if you are ready to submit applications, every Wednesday morning, we conduct informal meetings with representatives of building, planning, public works, fire, recreation, and economic development all at the same time so that you have the information and answers that you need. Contact us to schedule to attend an informal meeting.

Gorham Code Division of the Community Development Department

Most commercial projects are reviewed at the State level for building permit, barrier free, sprinkler and electrical. However, at the Town level, all new commercial projects should submit a Use Permit application and if installing new or replacement signage, a Sign Permit application. Note, while electrical permits are issued by the State, Plumbing Permits are reviewed at the Town level. Other types of permits that may be applicable can be reviewed here.

If you are thinking of leasing or purchasing an existing structure, we recommend scheduling a walk-through with Community Development. One of our economic development team along with a code enforcement officer and fire department representative will attend. These walk throughs can be helpful in identifying issues needing repair, replacement, or alteration to meet code requirements.

Still have questions or need additional assistance? Contact us: 207.222.1620 | econdev@gorham.me.us

State of Maine Reviews

The State of Maine requires review at some level of most commercial projects.

The State Fire Marshal provides definition of commercial projects requiring review on their website, but the major types of permits reviewed are:

  • Building Construction Permits
  • Fire Sprinkler
  • Barrier Free Permit
    NOTE: A Construction Permit is required for all projects applying for a Barrier-Free Permit

For more information: The Office of the State Fire Marshal Licensing and Inspection at 207-626-3880

The State of Maine Professional & Financial Regulation Office reviews:

  • Electrical Permits

Department of Health and Human Services inspects and licenses medical and long-term care facilities.

Codes used in the State of Maine:

  • NFPA Codes and Standards
  • Maine Uniform Building and Energy Codes
  • 2015 I-Codes

Department of Environmental Protection

Many properties in Maine include sensitive environmental areas such as wetlands, forests and shoreland. Other environmental concerns include stormwater management. If your property requires The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) review, you can find resources and more information on their website. DEP is responsible for protecting and restoring Maine’s natural resources and enforcing the state’s environmental laws.

US Army Corps of Engineers

Occasionally, property may also fall under the jurisdiction of the Army Corps of Engineers. This is usually when the property contains or impacts a stream, a marine environment, a watershed or aquifer. If you are not sure your property is regulated by the Army Corps of Engineers, contact their New England District. For information on Maine specific permits, visit this page.